Saturday, October 20, 2012

Benefits of Juicing - Part 2

Below is part 2 of my cheat sheet on the benefits of the fruits and vegetables I regularly juice. It is a continuation from part 1 where I covered parsley, cucumber, celery, kale and spinach.

Carrots - Organic
  1. Rich source of vitamin A. Vitamin A is very helpful during pregnancy for fetal development.
  2. Also contains B vitamins and foliate.
  3. Great for eye health due to its abundance of luetin, beta carotene, zeaxanthin, antioxidants and phytonutrients.
  4. Natural diuretic.
  5. Boosts the immune system.
  6. Reduces mucous from the ears, nose and throat, and clears away phlegm to aid breathing.
  7. Cleanses and restores the liver.
  1. Vitamins: C, A, iron and calcium.
  2. Contains sulforaphane which prevents peptic ulcers and is also known to ease gastritis and indigestion.
  3. Contains more calcium than milk per ounce.
  4. Contains an anti-estrogenic compound known as glucosinolates which helps rid the body of excess estrogen associated with certain types of breast cancer.
  5. High in antioxidants and lutien important for eye health.
  6. Is thought to help prevent breast, colon, lung and stomach cancer.
*Juice away, it's impossible to drink too much broccoli juice.

Green Apples - Organic
  1. Vitamins: A, B & C.
  2. High in Pectin which can help lower cholesterol and prevent colon cancer.
  3. High in Boron which prevents calcium loss and stimulates brain function.
  4. Natural diuretic and laxative effects.
  5. Apples also help to balance out the bitterness of dandelion greens and kale.
  1. Contains over 12 types of antioxidants.
  2. Natural anticoagulant.
  3. Natural aphrodisiac - better than viagra for S-E-X!
  4. Soothes the symptoms of the common cold and cough.
  5. Helps to relieve many digestive ailments including heartburn, nausea and indigestion.
  6. Can be helpful for relieving muscle pain and soreness.
  7. Anti-infammatory.
  8. Can help lower cholesterol.
  9. Helps to control diabetes.
  10. Thought to prevent and slow the progression of cancer.
Beets - Organic
  1. Loaded with vitamins A, B1, B2, B6 and C. The greens have a higher nutritional content than the root so be sure to juice them as well.
  2. The greens have a higher iron content than spinach and are also high in chlorophyll.
  3. Also an excellent source of calcium, magnesium, copper phosphorus and sodium.
  4. Blood purifier and blood builder that helps with the creation of red blood cells.
  5. Dissolves liver, kidney and bladder stones.
  6. Increases the production of glutathione which helps the body detoxify cancer-causing agents.
  7. Regulates blood pressure.
  8. Protects against stomach and colon cancer.
  9. The cellulose beets contain helps to relieve constipation.
  10. Contains choline, making it an excellent liver detoxifier.
  11. Prevents varicose veins.
Dandelion Greens - Organic or from your yard if you don't use chemicals.
  1. Ranked in the top 4 of all green vegetables and listed as one of the top 50 power herbs.
  2. Vitamins: loaded with K, A, potassium and calcium.
  3. Rich source of lutein and zeaxanthin - important for eye health.
  4. Natural diuretic.
  5. As good as milk thistle for liver detoxification.
  6. Controls blood pressure.
  7. Contains hormone balancing elements called taraxerol and taraxasterol. Can help to alleviate PMS.
  8. Contains taraxacin which triggers the gall bladder and liver to create bile and stimulates the digestive system.
  9. Thought to help treat indigestion, hepatitis, depression and irritability.
I try to buy organic fruits and vegetables as much as possible to reduce the amount of pesticide intake. It can get expensive but if you try to juice foods that are in season it helps keep the cost down. I also grew my own zucchini, beets and cucumbers in my garden this summer. 

*I am not a medical professional and claim no medical expertise. You should always consult your healthcare provider before beginning any diet.

1 comment:

  1. Hello, I just found your blog, which is very helpful. I see no posts after 2012, would be great to see how it went for you after and if you found something that works. Good luck
